At Fuzzy Rocks Creative co.

Find prints, greeting cards and other commodities.

What’s in a name?

The word pairing of “fuzzy” and “rock” came to me in a creative exercise. It made me think of moss, which is pretty darn cool and vital to ecosystems.

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meet the founder

  • Ciara is a relief printmaker based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She was born and raised in West Bend, Wisconsin, and went on to study journalism, design, and business management at the University of Minnesota. Innately creative and a compulsive collector of hobbies, she stumbled into printmaking and immediately fell in love. 

  • Much of her work centers around food, as it’s one of her favorite ways to connect with others. When she’s not printing, she’s working on freelance projects, sipping cortados at a local coffee shop, learning something new, or playing with her dog, Eddie.